Sometimes this one can be more difficult for people. There aren't AIs on TV (unless deepfakes but that's a different story) so there's no obvious call signs. But often, disinformation has little to well, nothing, to back it up. No evidence or sources? Look it up yourself. Sources seem sketchy or biased? Most likely disinformation or deliberate propoganda. Remember that these people and organizations take advantage of the human condition. They speak to your empathy, kindness, your soul, and they use that to manipulate you. Is their main argument, "It's mean to disagree!" "Think of xyz's feelings!" "What about the future of the company? Those guys need their jobs!" in response to accusations? Disinfo campaign. When something is revealed about a person or organization, do they schedule spots on talk shows, joke about it, or say you didn't see/hear what you just saw/heard? Disinfo campaign. Please look closely, use your reasoning. Always research. Use multiple resources. Hell, I'm sure I am missing a lot of points myself, and these are just my opinions and pieces of advice based on what I've seen myself. Use your own thinking, as well. Always be sure.